Since Version 2005 SSMS SQL Server Management Studio is the new tool for SQL Server. You can download the three latest releases: Development Tools downloads - SQL Server 2000 Enterprise by Microsoft and many more programs are. I haven't tried to manage 2000 from 2016 but the 2012 SP2 release was able to do so. Start SQL Enterprise Manager Right click on a server and select NEW DATABASE. Download sql server 2000 enterprise edition for free. Sql Server 2008 Enterprise Edition free download - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express (32-bit), Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express (32-bit), Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management.
if you need BIDS 2008 or older SSIS packages). You can manage downlevel versions (I currently use the 2016 version to manage 2005, 2008, 2008 R instances) except in rare compatibility scenarios (e.g. 2012 SP2 was the first version that allows you to freely use the fully functional version of Management Studio (rather than the stripped-down Express version, which is missing all kinds of things, including the entire SQL Server Agent node) without any licensing requirements whatsoever.
Really you should be using the most recent version of Management Studio.