Gameplay unfolds in a richly detailed Earth made up of 60 skirmish maps provinces representing real locations on the globe or create a randomly generated globe to conquer. The globe will serve as the battleground between the 3 unique factions Western, Middle-Eastern, and Eastern that have been created with a stunning new artistic vision. The ground breaking new game truly puts the EARTH into Empire Earth by introducing a spectacular global perspective to conquering the world. Your Game directly by e-mail Get your code or your download-link by e-mail just a few minutes after purchase. DRM-free Activation Your game has to be installed and downloaded with the information, that you get via email after your purchase. Deals next Deal ends in 3T Windows DRM-free. Alternative Login- / Registerpossibilities?Ĭoming soon Preorder now.Build your empire and progress your technology through history?.Download Empire Earth - Best Software & Apps.
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